About us
EW OIL sp. z o.o. has 
a storage to keep the raw material in a liquid form
  • fully-refined paraffin wax tanks (25 м3);
  • semi-refined paraffin wax tanks (25 м3);
  • different types of paraffin wax and slack wax tanks (45 м3)
a warehouse to keep the waxes in a solid form and tanks to keep cleaned mixtures of waxes
an equipment to make cleaning and bleaching or treatment slack wax, blending the different types of paraffin wax and slack wax, slabbing or granulating of paraffin wax to prepare the ready-to-use.
The company meets all the clients expectations and demand with the stable high-level quality paraffin wax products or the mistures around the year and delivers the goods directly to the client's warehouse in time.
VAT Number: 7010404346
National court register (KRS): 0000486109
Address 02-797, ul. Klimczaka 17 lok. 80 Warszawa, Poland
info@ewoilwax.com, ew-oil@hotmail.com